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Metabolic health



Discover how you can optimize your metabolic health and reduce long term health risks. Find out what is metabolic health, how it is measured and what is metabolic syndrome.


Metabolism is the term used for the processes involved in:

  • the break down of your food,
  • the conversion of food into energy stores found in your fat tissues, liver and muscle, and
  • the conversion of stored energy into energy that can be used to help in your daily activities.

This is done by many complex enzymatic and biochemical reactions that start the moment you smell or anticipate food. Your metabolism is influenced by many factors. Change in any of these factors changes your metabolic function and health.


All metabolic activity of the body is conducted at the cellular level in the mitochondria, the engine room of every cell in your body.

Metabolism only becomes of concern when it encroaches on your everyday activities. Most often the onset of metabolic dysfunction is insidious. In other words, often you will not realize it is happening until your doctor will sit you down and explain what is going on. Some of the ways that metabolic dysfunction manifests is:

  • Decreased energy levels
  • More frequent illness and for longer duration
  • The emergence of pre-diabetes and diabetes
  • Low mood, or depression
  • Cancer
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Metabolic syndrome

What is metabolic syndrome ?

Metabolic syndrome, sometimes called insulin resistance syndrome or syndrome X, is characterized by abdominal obesity, insulin resistance (impaired blood sugar regulation), high blood pressure, and abnormal cholesterol levels. Having metabolic syndrome increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Diabetes is a common cardiometabolic disorder.

  • Type 2 diabetes means your body doesn’t respond well to insulin. When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into glucose. Your pancreas produces insulin, but diabetes reduces insulin sensitivity. This metabolic disorder is associated with an imbalance in insulin levels and high blood glucose levels.
  • Type 1 diabetes is an immune system disorder that stops the body from making enough insulin. Symptoms can be managed, but you can’t typically reverse type 1 diabetes. (However, reversal is not unheard of.)

Once we identify the root cause (or causes), we help you with it.

Metabolic syndrome is a condition primarily brought on by a Western lifestyle, characterized by a lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating patterns. While it originated in Western nations and is more prevalent in urban populations, it has become a global problem.

What CAN Causes Metabolic Syndrome?

Several factors contribute to the metabolic imbalances that are characteristic of metabolic syndrome. While lifestyle factors are pivotal in this condition, there are uncontrollable factors associated with this it, such as genetics, family history, older age, and lower socioeconomic status.

Thankfully, modifiable factors make up the majority of the causes of metabolic syndrome—the most significant being nutrition. We have become reliant on low-fiber fast food, and our health is being adversely affected by it. A Western diet, high in refined carbs, sugar, trans fats, and processed foods, contributes greatly to abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, and an unhealthy cholesterol pattern, which are hallmarks of metabolic syndrome. In addition to a Western diet, micronutrient deficiencies, such as vitamin D, can cause insulin resistance and impaired glucose control, increasing the risk for this condition.

A sedentary lifestyle isn't doing our body's any favors either. Physical inactivity is significantly linked to the metabolic imbalances associated with metabolic syndrome. A study examining physical activity and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in over 1600 individuals found that those who did not engage in moderate or vigorous physical activity had almost double the risk for developing metabolic syndrome than those who had 150 minutes per week or more of physical activity.

Gut health imbalances are implicated in so many health conditions, and metabolic syndrome is no exception. Alterations in the gut microbiome (the microorganisms that live in the gut) are identified in people with metabolic disorders. Evidence also links gut dysbiosis (imbalances in the microorganisms that live in the gut) with obesity, insulin resistance, and unhealthy cholesterol patterns. Disruptions in the gut barrier function and inflammation play critical roles in the metabolic consequences of compromised gut health.

Getting adequate deep, restorative sleep every night is vital to optimal health. Not getting enough sleep every night (at least 7 hours) has been associated with an increased risk for metabolic syndrome in both men and women. It may be more than sleep duration that impacts metabolism, as circadian misalignment also increases the risk for factors associated with metabolic syndrome.

Circadian rhythm is representative of the physical, mental, and behavioral patterns our bodies follow during a 24-hour cycle. These behaviors respond to light-dark cycles, such as sleeping at night when it’s dark and eating during the day when it’s light. Evidence indicates that eating and sleeping outside of these light-dark cycles results in circadian misalignment. When this occurs we increase our risk of developing metabolic syndrom due to it's impact on blood sugar control.

Stress is another lifestyle factor that has far-reaching effects, including impacting metabolic disease. A systematic review and meta-analysis examined the link between psychological stress and metabolic syndrome and found that adults with high stress had a 45% higher chance of developing metabolic syndrome.

Exposure to toxins and impaired detoxification can lead to an increased toxic load in the body. Toxins negatively impact body processes, such as mitochondrial function and the gut microbiome, which can lead to insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction.


Maintaining and improving metabolic health reduces the risk of many chronic metabolic diseases, but also is important for maintaining energy levels, mental health, and contributes to restful sleep. It also ultimately reduces the risk of many chronic illnesses that are associated with metabolic dysfunction.

Mitochondria are found in every cell in the body are sometimes referred to as the engine where. Metabolic dysfunction may exhibits itself in the form of poor brain function, impaired memory, lowered activity output and increased risk of chronic disease. Overall, most of the time you are always feeling tired with no real reason for being tired.

A literature review of diets that promoted metabolic health researched the effects of implementing a Mediterranean diet with fish oil on people that self-reported depressive symptoms. The group that received Mediterranean diet intervention where they consumed more vegetables, fruits, nut, legumes, wholegrains and reduced their intake of unhealthy snacks, found a greater reduction in depressive symptoms at 3 months.

Insufficient sleep is common. One review found, approximately one third of adults and a majority of adolescents report sleeping less than the recommended duration. Currently, epidemiological research is beginning to link insufficient and in some studies, excessive sleep with obesity. These sleep patterns may predispose someone to Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome.

Individuals with good metabolic health have a reduced risk of developing metabolics syndrome symptoms.

Conversely, individuals with poor metabolic health are at an increased risk of developing these chronic conditions.

Metabolic Syndrome Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of metabolic syndrome may include:

  • abdominal obesity
  • high fasting triglycerides
  • low HDL cholesterol
  • hypertension
  • insulin resistance
  • high fasting blood glucose

Symptoms that are often associated with insulin resistance include:

  • increased thirst and hunger
  • frequent urination, especially at night
  • headaches
  • blurry vision
  • slow wound healing
  • vaginal and skin infections

Functional nutrition can help.

Most of these diseases are preventable and reversible. Cardiometabolic diseases are influenced by diet, exercise, chronic stress, sleep quality, gut dysfunction, social life, and other lifestyle factors you can adjust.

There is hope for prevention through combinations of specific lifestyle changes, dietary changes, supplements such as the antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid, and proven medications with few side effects. Even patients with a strong genetic predisposition or family history of developing cardiometabolic diseases aren’t without options.